12 Ways to Improve Your Productivity at Work



Between constant meetings, phone calls and emails, staying productive at work can be a challenge. However, the odds of staying productive can be greatly improved by taking some simple steps in order to stay efficient.
Here are 12 tips from the Bayt.com team to help you to make the most of your time at work:
1. Don’t let emails take over your day
We are all so accustomed to email that as soon as we see a new email in our inbox we instinctively click it on, focus on the content of the email, and respond. These seemingly tiny activities during the day can quickly add up to large amounts of time that not only cause your day to slip away, but also distract you from completing your current task.
If replying to or disposing of an e-mail takes less than two minutes, do it right away. Send less to receive less: Keep your e-mails short, and write fewer of them. Here are some tips from the career experts at Bayt.com to help you control your work emails.
2. Eliminate unnecessary meetings
Face-to-face communication is essential (email is fraught with misinterpretation), but be ruthless about protecting your time. Avoid every meeting that isn’t truly necessary.
3. Learn how to say ‘no’
While everyone wants to be a good team player at work, saying ‘no’ is sometimes the right thing to do. If you are not the best person for a task, or if you have other pending deadlines, it is OK to turn down a work request.  read more

How to post PO by Code in Dynamics AX

I have task to integrate Dynamics AX with another application by posting PO from out side Dynamics AX, so I used AIF and build new web service to be used from out of AX and call the method below to post PO (packing slip, or invoice) .
public str CreatePostProductReceipt(PurchId _PurchId, Num _PackingSlip, ItemId  Itemid, Qty qty,
InventSiteId  InventSiteId ='', InventLocationId  InventLocationId= '' , inventBatchid batchid = '', InventSerialId  serialId = '', inventsizeId inventsizeId ='', InventColorId InventColorId ='')
PurchFormLetter             purchFormLetter;
PurchParmUpdate             purchParmUpdate;
PurchParmTable              purchParmTable;
PurchParmLine               purchParmLine;
PurchTable                  purchTable;
PurchLine                   purchLine;
PurchId                     purchId;
Num                         packingSlipId;
InventDim                   inventDim;
str                 ret='';
System.Exception    err;
packingSlipId   = _PackingSlip;
purchTable      = PurchTable::find(_PurchId);
// Create PurchParamUpdate table
purchFormletter = PurchFormLetter::construct(DocumentStatus::PackingSlip); // to post invoice change to DocumentStatus::invoice
purchParmUpdate = PurchFormLetter.purchParmUpdate();
// Set PurchParmTable table
purchParmTable.TransDate                = SystemDateGet();
purchParmTable.Ordering                 = DocumentStatus::PackingSlip;
purchParmTable.ParmJobStatus            = ParmJobStatus::Waiting;
purchParmTable.Num                      = packingSlipId;
purchParmTable.PurchId                  = purchTable.PurchId;
purchParmTable.PurchName                = purchTable.PurchName;
purchParmTable.DeliveryName             = purchTable.DeliveryName;
purchParmTable.OrderAccount             = purchTable.OrderAccount;
purchParmTable.CurrencyCode             = purchTable.CurrencyCode;
purchParmTable.InvoiceAccount           = purchTable.InvoiceAccount;
purchParmTable.ParmId                   = purchParmUpdate.ParmId;
// Set PurchParmLine table
while select purchLine
where purchLine.PurchId == purchTable.purchId && purchline.ItemId == Itemid
inventDim = purchline.inventDim(true);
// Set batch and serial number
if(InventSiteId != '')
inventDim.InventSiteId = InventSiteId;
if(InventLocationId != '')
inventDim.InventLocationId = InventLocationId;
if(batchid != '')
inventDim.inventBatchId = batchId;
if(serialid != '')
inventDim.inventSerialId = serialID;
if(inventsizeId != '')
inventDim.inventsizeId = inventsizeId;
if(InventColorId != '')
inventDim.InventColorId = InventColorId;
purchParmLine.InventDimId = inventDim::findOrCreate(inventdim).inventDimId;
purchParmLine.ReceiveNow    = 1 ; //PurchLine.PurchQty;
purchParmLine.ParmId        = purchParmTable.ParmId;
purchParmLine.TableRefId    = purchParmTable.TableRefId;
purchParmLine.setQty(DocumentStatus::PackingSlip, false, true);
purchFormLetter = PurchFormLetter::construct(DocumentStatus::PackingSlip);

// This is the ID we hard code as the product receipt ID, if we do the posting via UI
// user would have the option to manually enter this value
return "OK";
catch (Exception::CLRError)
err = CLRInterop::getLastException();
ret = err.ToString();
return ret;
Return "Error";